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- Hatha yoga | dewending
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit << Hatha yoga - Inner Axis >> Everything we experience, we experience throughout our bodies. Our body is not a machine. It has its own intelligence. Emotions of joy, happiness, pain and loss run through our entire body. What we push away gets stuck. What we stun loses its power, dies. In the practice of hatha yoga and Inner Axis we turn to our body. We look for the way inward through breathing to learn to understand the language of our body. It is a slow, caring path that leads to transformation from cold to warm, from hard to powerful, from rushed to calm, from lost to connection. Depression, insomnia, anxiety are slowly but surely disappearing. Yoga classes
- Spiritualiteit | dewending
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit << Spirituality >> Spirituality is the connection with our life breath. Spirituality searches for the language of the soul, of the heart. Millennia old spiritual traditions have developed rituals, stories, songs, lyrics that interpret the language of the heart and soul. They provide people with mirrors of feeling, they connect people to their deepest core. They let people breathe in their whole being. We turn to texts, stories, songs from the different great spiritual traditions: Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. We turn to texts, stories, songs of philosophers, mystics, spiritual predecessors past and present that show paths to meaning, wholeness, happiness. Workshop The breath of life - Life worth breathing Inner Axis Yoga - Max Strom During three workshops we delve into inner axis. We practice breathing in combination with yoga postures, practice in deeper, transforming breathing. We will discuss the insights behind inner axis through the book 'the breath of life' by Max Strom. Reading the book is an added value, not necessary. It is built around the three pillars of transformation. Every afternoon we focus on one of these pillars: body, mind, heart. If you are interested in this workshop, please contact us by email. For questions or registration: Thank you! Message sent. Send
- Yoga | dewending
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit Yoga lessen in groep Zowel ter plaatse als online Wednesday- morning: . Castle Borluut St.-Denijs Westrem - 7:30 am-8:30 am: hatha wake up yoga - 8:30-9:00: eye yoga - 9am-10:30am: Inner Axis yoga + yoganidra We start in silence and do the switches in silence. You can follow each lesson separately. You can follow the entire morning program. Do you want more info: mail topraktijkdewending@gmail.com
- De Wending. Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit Hilde Van den Hooff Yoga, talk therapy, spirituality I received a theological and philosophical training, worked for a long time in psychiatry, became a teacher of ethics and religion, immersed myself for several years in psychoanalysis, learned shiatsu techniques, followed a 4-year training in system therapy, practiced yoga for many years, became hatha yoga teacher, Inner Axis teacher, yoganidra facilitator. I slowly made a fascinating journey from my head to my heart, to more wholeness. I was able to meet many teachers on this road. I thank all my teachers. Practice The Wending Address: Klaasbulkstraat 12, 9052 Ghent (Zwijnaarde) Email: hilde@praktijkdewending.net Phone Number: +32 476/86 42 04 Company number: BE 0536 706 740 Account number: BE17 9531 2350 5621 Blog
- Gesprekstherapie | dewending
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit << Talk Therapy >> In most family stories there are knots, gaps, paradoxes, contradictions. From our naming, we become part of this story. It will be our story. We learn to communicate in a certain way, develop communication patterns and pass them on. Some communication patterns can eventually trap us: they fix our way of seeing and thinking. You don't understand why you keep going in the same circles. From a systems therapeutic point of view, we turn to the system in which you move, we look for patterns and ways to break through circles. Changing your way of thinking and seeing makes transformation possible in your way of living and living together. I work as a system therapist, I am recognized by the BVRGS (Belgian Association of Relationship and Family Therapy and system coach) At the same time I work as a yoga therapist and integrate the insights from the bodywork with talk therapy. The combination of talk therapy and bodywork makes the therapeutic process more profound. Depending on each individual client, we will work together to find what works best for you. Commitment, respect, integrity are my basic values in the approach to each client. Do you have a question or would you like a appointment: Thank you! Message sent. Send
- De Wending, praktijk voor yoga & psychotherapy
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit. Hilde Van den Hooff THE TURN Practice for yoga, psychotherapy & spirituality Everything changes and moves around us. We live under great pressure. Each era presents its challenges. These are ours. How do you keep standing strong in a world full of turbulence and whirlwinds without choosing destructive escape routes? How do you find your way through reality as it presents itself to us right now? How do you connect all that tatters and fragments us?
- Praktijk De Wending : voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit. Hilde Van den Hooff Yoga The body knows everything. The body forgets nothing. Conversational therapy We are born in stories. Spirituality And everything that lives breathes in - out, gives fire and light that moves within.
- De Wending, praktijk voor yoga & psychotherapy
Schrijf je in op onze inspirirerende nieuwsbrief en blijf als eerste op de hoogte van wat we aanbieden: Yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit. Hilde Van den Hooff Nieuwsbrief Ontvang langs deze weg inspiratie en informatie rond wat ik aanbied op vlak van yoga, yoga- en psychotherapie, spiritualiteit en de niet te missen retreats, waarin al deze aspecten samen komen. E-mail Verzenden Bedankt voor de inzending!
- Retreat | dewending
Time for deep transformation during the 8th Yoga and Meditation Retreat With the breath in the sails Inner sailing trip on a real boat, with a 36 hour silence experience. Scheduled for May 2026 Southern Turkey, 8 days of deep breathing, yoga and meditation on a boat in the Mediterranean. Finding or strengthening your breath. Taking care of your own physical and mental health. Working on change from within. I will guide you during this week to an experience of 36 hours in silence. Then we let go of talking to each other, our mobile phones, our books. We give all the space to the way inward, to the yoga practice and meditation, to writing, drawing, connecting with the mountains and the sea, to sailing, to swimming. To doing nothing and looking over the water for a long time. And above all, to observing our own reaction patterns. The other days there is plenty of room to laugh, dance, sing, talk, walk, visit the hammam and villages, and philosophize over the fresh, delicious food of the day. Our focus is on: breathing exercises yoga and deepening in yoga postures meditation techniques formulating intentions conversation and exchange renewing your life force flexibility, through relaxation and enjoyment. Daily schedule 07:30 - 08:30 | coffee/tea/fruit & biscuit 08:30 - 10:30 | yoga 11:00 - 12:00 | brunch 16:00 - 16:30 | coffee/tea/fruit & biscuit 16:30 - 18:30 | yoga 19:00 - 21:00 | supper 21:00 - 21:45 | day closure We stay in the region of Ancient Lycia with places like Göcek, Fethiye, Olü Deniz, Marmaris, Bozborun. We sail to a different place every day. Every trip we explore a different area. It is best to fly to Dalaman. Your guide: Hilde Van den Hooff I received a theological and philosophical training, I am a teacher within health care, teacher in the Hatha yoga and Inner Axis, yoganidra counselor, recognized system therapist, yogatherapist. All my insights into the interplay between body and mind, gained over the past 26 years, I would like to share with you. Your Captain: Osman Osman grew up as a child in his parents' family business. as captain from the boat Esinti, which means 'sea breeze', it takes us to safe coves and ports. The Esinti is a typical gulet, a wood-crafted two-master. The boat was made in Bozborun, where Osman grew up. In addition to Osman, 4 crew members are sailing along: a cook and three sailors. They are at the service of the entire group event. Together, as one team, we blow our 'breath into the sails'. Dominique Houbaert, Ghent "The ship's bell rings. Bare feet audible on the wooden gangway, mats are rolled out on the deck. Some have been sitting there for a while, calmly looking out over the water, the golden glow of the morning sun on their faces. A few have already swum in the silence of the morning and are drying their hair. The ship rocks gently. Namaste. It begins .... What a week. Back home I'm still rocking. This has done me good on so many levels. And it has made me delve deeper, more than I expected. During a week of “Breathe in the sails” there is not only the beautiful sailing ship Esinti that takes you to beautiful bays, there is also Hilde who lets you sail further than you thought you could go with her exercises and experience. A gift and highly recommended!” Nicole and Frank, Poeke “It was the first time for me and my friend to go. We ended up in a fantastic group that had already enjoyed this unique experience several times. Our surprise was great when we noticed that we were spontaneously accepted with much love and affection. I myself got to know a side of myself that I didn't know at all. But there is a positive side ! I could let myself be gently carried away by Hilde's sweet, warm, soft voice, which allowed me to dream away into a total state of relaxation . Something that was almost unthinkable for me. I (we) can recommend such a unique experience with full conviction. You will definitely come back feeling reborn! And this aside. The food is also fantastically delicious. Not unimportant, right?” Christine Van Canneyt, Gent “A week on the beautiful ship ' de Esinti ' in Turkey with Hilde, is the most beautiful combination of Yoga - nature - recharge - culture - friendship - breathe again - deepen - healing - fun - relaxation - culinary delights. “A must for everyone!” Kaat Cousin, Dendermonde "Letting go… On the one hand I am looking forward to it because it is something I cannot do or find difficult, and on the other hand it scares me about what it might bring about. This was the feeling that crept over me the closer we got to leaving. Hilde's reaction was a bull's eye, which made me start counting down with confidence: “Have full trust in the whole process. We are on the boat for a week, that gives enough time to sink down and come up. And letting go and changing, that is part of life. Everything changes. Including us. Change is good and healthy. And our body/mind is more than cautious enough to only allow the change that we can handle. Otherwise you wouldn’t come along. So, take a deep breath and trust. I look forward to seeing you there.”... The week flew by. Yoga moments alternated with conversations, walking, sunbathing, laughing, writing, city visits, swimming, supping… And not to forget, our inner man was strengthened daily by super, but then also super delicious food… The immensity of the sea is breathtaking. Sitting on the boat, musing about feelings, habits, people, situations… Tears roll down my cheeks. Letting go. Breathing in and out. The rocking of the boat on the water. Conversations with others, sharing feelings and experiences. Still a need to feel solid ground under my feet every now and then. Physical challenge by mountain hike. Guiding/talking to Mom through this. Roles are reversed, I am allowed to take care of her. Physical touch is so good but at the same time releases so much. Taking in less, closing off more becomes an exercise for life. Being overwhelmed by the infinite, immensity of the sea. Grateful for so much beauty. The group's support is great. Conversation about transience came in. Courage is needed to grow old. Singing is embarrassing until singing is meaningful/connecting. Sunrise/sunset. KarmaYoga. Friendly, helpful and charming crew... Swimming in the sea. Beautiful nature. An experience never to forget. Thank you Hilde, thank you fellow travelers, thank you crew, thank you mom for letting me experience this week with you." Practical information On this private boat we as a group are supported materially by a fantastic captain and his crew. There is full board hotel service. The food is prepared fresh daily. The ship's chef's cooking goes beyond every word. Price before December 30, 2024 Each cabin has its own toilet and shower, hotel service provided. cabin 2 persons: € 1,620 p.p. cabin1 person: € 3,100 Price after December 30, 2024 cabin 2 persons: € 1,820 p.p. cabin 1 person: € 3,500 You pay 50% of the amount due upon registration. The deposit is non-refundable. The remaining amount 9 weeks before departure, by August 15th 2025. Account number: BE17 9531 2350 5621 Included in the price: • The meals • coffee/tea/water/fruit • yoga classes and meditations • Bed linen and (swimming) towels • Cleaning • tip for the crew • group transfer to boot Not included • excursions • flight Boarding on Sunday, October 19, 2025, from 4 p.m. Bring your own yoga equipment. For the flights we work together with a travel agency, if you wish. Sign up By phone 0476/864204 Or the form below Thank you! Message sent. Send
- Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit. Hilde Van den Hooff Yoga The body knows everything. It never forgets. Talk therapy In stories we are born. Spirituality And all that’s alive breathes in - out, gives fire and light that moves inside.
- Yogaretreat | Praktijk De Wending | Gent
Praktijk voor yoga, psychotherapie & spiritualiteit. Hilde Van den Hooff Practice for yoga, psychotherapy & spirituality Everything changes and moves around us. How do you change and move without losing yourself? How do you find and regain your balance in a world full of turbulence and whirlwinds without choosing destructive escape routes? Connect with yourself. feel. Connect with the tensions in your body, with entrenched thought patterns, with petrified feelings. feel. Relax. Consciously breathe in and out. Feel the unstoppable flow of life. I can guide you in this from different angles. Don't miss the retreat!
- 404 | dewending
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